The Disaster of the Cranky Crankie
So Lady Gaga had just gotten back from space and was wearing a hotdog costume.
Hitler came up to her and said, “You look like a Wiener Schnitzel.”
She says to him, “This is a bad romance, Adolf.”
But I get ahead of myself.
It all started when Hitler, Mitt Romney, Obama, Hans Solo, a fried egg, and a boy named Mychal decided to make a crankie together. A crankie is a scrolling paper movie, but this was The Disaster of the Cranky Crankie. It was all going fine until Mychal decided to draw a tree.
“NO TREES!!!” cried Romney. “Money!” Then he and Hitler got in a big fight about it that went pretty much like this:
Hitler: “Nature!”
Romney: “Money!”
Hitler: “War!”
Romney: “Money!”
Hitler: “Art!”
Romney: “Money!”
Meanwhile aliens were landing.
“Help me, help me!” cried the fried egg, running straight towards the Tower of Mordor.
Obama and Hans Solo went to greet the alien, who turned out to be Lady Gaga in her hotdog suit.
“I’ve just come back from Uranus,” she said.
A giant slug slimed out of a tree and across the entire crankie. “Yuck, slug slime,” said Squinchy the dog. Then the giant slug climbed onto Lady Gaga’s head.
No one was working on the crankie. Hans Solo was playing holographic chess with Chewbacca and the politicians were still fighting about trees. Mychal decided he would have to finish the crankie by himself. Squinchy wondered when he would be done so they could go play frisbee.
Hitler, Romney, and Obama finally came to an agreement: there would be no trees. Obama was sad about the compromise and nobody saw anything of him after that.
“Hey guys,” said Mychal, “I finished the crankie, and I added a bunch more trees.”
Their heads were enormous, their eyes bloodshot, and they were suddenly missing most of their teeth.
And off flew the giant slug on Lady Gaga’s spaceship.
“Now can we play frisbee?” asked Squinch.
That’s the plot summary of the crankie some kids I was working with a while back made. Can you see why I like my job?