As you are likely aware, I run a writing program for children called Frog Hollow School. Some of you are in my program or have children in my program. Some of you are my sisters, so you have pretty much heard all about what I do. In that class, thank you and forgive the repetition.
But, because I love to help kids love to write, and I know that’s what you all are here for too (unless maybe you just like random free stock photos???) I wanted to let you all know that Frog Hollow is offering LOTS of classes this year — all day classes, afterschool classes, kid classes, teen classes, outdoor classes, indoor classes, online classes, classes taught by me, classes taught by other awesome teachers, classes my dog attends — all with the vision of helping kids love to write.
So send me your children! I’d be so thrilled to write with them.
Core Class:
An in-depth, year-long language arts program geared towards homeschoolers. We will immerse ourselves in language arts broadly and creatively, covering writing mechanics, poetry, stories, research projects, persuasive essays and more. We also incorporate art, singing, active outdoor play and nature immersion. Ages 8-12. Classes in Carnation, West Seattle, and Online.
Outdoor Class:
Two social hours of active play, nature immersion, and creative writing. At least half the class time will be for play and adventures, with about a 30-40 minute writing project. All outdoors. Ages 8-12. Classes in Seward Park and Tolt MacDonald Park.
Teen Writing Workshop:
Meet weekly online with other teens who love writing. We’ll explore writing fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. We’ll write in class as well as have a weekly writing assignment. Ages 12 -18. Online.